Current Personal Training and Habits Coaching Offers

Current Personal Training and Habits Coaching Offers

Group Habits Coaching

Group Habits Coaching

Let’s face it, staying consistent is the hardest part of getting healthy. Finding the time and energy to make the right choices can be difficult… or it can be simple.

Habitize Health helps you automate your health, saving you time and effort so you can lose weight, gain strength, and have more energy for life. This 9 week program will change how you see health forever.

Free Mini Course

Free Mini Course

No time for workouts, counting macros, or stressing over health? No problem!

Here's 10 instant (and free) healthy habits you can add to your life that take almost no time or effort, but make an incredible difference in your quality of life and health!


Here's 10 instant (and free) healthy habits you can add to your life that take almost no time or effort, but make an incredible difference in your quality of life and health!

Not sure what you need? Schedule a free consultation call with Suzi and we'll discuss your options!

Not sure what you need? Schedule a free consultation call with Suzi and we'll discuss your options!

Consult your physician before beginning any health program

Copyright Suzi B LLC

Idaho 83442 United States

Consult your physician before beginning any health program

Copyright Suzi B LLC

Idaho 83442 United States