Suzi B

Suzi B

Habits Coach, Personal Trainer, Podcaster, Author and Speaker

Mom of 4, Idaho Outdoorsy Adventurer, and Happiness Obsessor

Habits Coach, Personal Trainer, Podcaster, Author and Speaker

Mom of 4, Idaho Outdoorsy Adventurer, and Happiness Obsessor

A few years ago, habits saved my life

After my 4th baby was born, I completely lost myself. I struggled with undiagnosed Postpartum depression for 18 months before I FINALLY got help. My Dr told me to make my mental health my #1 priority. I had 4 kids, a business, and a household... how was I supposed to do that?!

Quick backstory - 12 years before this moment, I started a personal training business and developed a program that not only helped my clients get in shape, but improved EVERY aspect of their health from nutrition, to fitness, to sleep, to stress... it was awesome!

So there I was with PPD - overwhelmed, unhappy, and completely unmotivated. I decided to try my own habits program, but instead of physical health habits, I did mental health habits.

...and just like that... I WAS BACK! I was confident, motivated, happy, and living life again for the fist time in almost 2 years! It was exhilarating.

I figured, if this works on mental health and physical health, what else would this help with? So I went on a year long journey that changed every aspect of my life: faith, finances, family, marriage, travel, and more...

I discovered the secret to happiness!

I had discovered the secret to happiness! An unbelievably simple 3 step system that can literally change every aspect of your life.

I took my findings to my clients and they tried it... with immense success. Businesses, family relationships, mental health, physical health... it worked every time!

And just like that, HabitiZe Health and 1-2-3 Habits were born. Happiness, health, and success are truly as simple as 1-2-3. By using this powerful, yet simple system, you save time and energy and replace frustration and guilt with confidence and results. And the best part is? It's 100% personalized to you and fits your schedule, not matter how busy or unmotivated you are!

So this is me...

A girl who's been obsessed with the human body, fitness and sports since she was 12 years old and now I'm here to help you master many parts of yourself by simplifying the process to change, just like I have helped thousands of women before you.

My entire health, life, and business have been completely changed through this process and I can't wait to see what HabitiZe Health and 1-2-3 Habits will do for you!

...and this is my crew!

My hunky hubby and I are raising 4 fantastic kids in rural Southeast Idaho. These people are a huge part of my why. I take care of myself so I can be the best for them... and they do the same!

This system works for all ages, all goals. My kids have used it to learn to keep their rooms clean and get ready for school on time. My husband and I use it to keep each other a priority when life gets busy and crazy.

1-2-3 Habits has made a huge impact on my family, and I know it can for yours, too!

What are YOU doing to do?

If your most important goals righ tnow are health related, HabitiZe Health is for you! In just 2 months, you can go from wanting to be healthier, to actually BEING healthy: nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress, hormones, sugar, meditation... it's all here for you!

If you want to focus on business, faith, family, finances, or what have you, 1-2-3 Habits Accountability Group is here for you! The #1 indicator of success is consistency. No matter your ambition, 1-2-3 Habits can help you make it happen and keep it happening! From business to relationships, from faith to finance, we cover it all and we help you succeed.

A few years ago, habits saved my life

After my 4th baby was born, I completely lost myself. I struggled with undiagnosed Postpartum depression for 18 months before I FINALLY got help. My Dr told me to make my mental health my #1 priority. I had 4 kids, a business, and a household... how was I supposed to do that?!

Quick backstory - 12 years before this moment, I started a personal training business and developed a program that not only helped my clients get in shape, but improved EVERY aspect of their health from nutrition, to fitness, to sleep, to stress... it was awesome!

So there I was with PPD - overwhelmed, unhappy, and completely unmotivated. I decided to try my own habits program, but instead of physical health habits, I did mental health habits.

...and just like that... I WAS BACK! I was confident, motivated, happy, and living life again for the fist time in almost 2 years! It was exhilarating.

I figured, if this works on mental health and physical health, what else would this help with? So I went on a year long journey that changed every aspect of my life: faith, finances, family, marriage, travel, and more...

I discovered the secret to happiness!

I had discovered the secret to happiness! An unbelievably simple 3 step system that can literally change every aspect of your life.

I took my findings to my clients and they tried it... with immense success. Businesses, family relationships, mental health, physical health... it worked every time!

And just like that, HabitiZe Health and 1-2-3 Habits were born. Happiness, health, and success are truly as simple as 1-2-3. By using this powerful, yet simple system, you save time and energy and replace frustration and guilt with confidence and results. And the best part is? It's 100% personalized to you and fits your schedule, not matter how busy or unmotivated you are!

So this is me...

A girl who's been obsessed with the human body, fitness and sports since she was 12 years old and now I'm here to help you master many parts of yourself by simplifying the process to change, just like I have helped thousands of women before you.

My entire health, life, and business have been completely changed through this process and I can't wait to see what HabitiZe Health and 1-2-3 Habits will do for you!

...and this is my crew!

My hunky hubby and I are raising 4 fantastic kids in rural Southeast Idaho. These people are a huge part of my why. I take care of myself so I can be the best for them... and they do the same!

This system works for all ages, all goals. My kids have used it to learn to keep their rooms clean and get ready for school on time. My husband and I use it to keep each other a priority when life gets busy and crazy.

1-2-3 Habits has made a huge impact on my family, and I know it can for yours, too!

What are YOU doing to do?

If your most important goals righ tnow are health related, HabitiZe Health is for you! In just 2 months, you can go from wanting to be healthier, to actually BEING healthy: nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress, hormones, sugar, meditation... it's all here for you!

If you want to focus on business, faith, family, finances, or what have you, 1-2-3 Habits Accountability Group is here for you! The #1 indicator of success is consistency. No matter your ambition, 1-2-3 Habits can help you make it happen and keep it happening! From business to relationships, from faith to finance, we cover it all and we help you succeed.

Signature Keynotes

Signature Keynotes

1, 2, 3 Habits

When health is too complicated, we quit. When work is overwhelming, we feel stuck. When there's too many stairs, we fall down them... In front of thousands of people. 1, 2, 3 Habits is the answer! Health, happiness, and success truly are as simple as 1, 2, 3.

For: Health Conventions, Women, Entrepreneurs, MLMs, Youth, Young Adults


Instant Habits: How to change your habits with one decision.

Embracing Embarrassing

How to own mistakes and move forward faster at work and in life without shame, fear or humiliation.

For: Corporate, Women, Entrepreneurs

Don't Diet... Habit

This is the antidote to yo-yo diets, extreme weight loss plans, and all the contradictory information about health. Instead of complicating and restricting yourself, simplify and automate. Habits are the key to stop GETTING healthy and actually BE healthy.

For: Health Conventions, Women, Entrepreneurs

What audiences say...

"I have absolutely fallen in love with Suzi B. She's a 5 start lady and a 5 star expert, so I suggest you run, don't walk and learn from her. Get everything she has to offer and change your life."

Dr. Paula Fellingham

CEO Win Win Women

"I have absolutely fallen in love with Suzi B. She's a 5 start lady and a 5 star expert, so I suggest you run, don't

walk and learn from her. Get everything she has to offer and change your life."

Dr. Paula Fellingham

CEO Win Win Women


Consult your physician before beginning any health program

Copyright Suzi B LLC

Idaho 83442 United States

Consult your physician before beginning any health program

Copyright Suzi B LLC 2024

Idaho 83442 United States